STUDENTS! STAY FOCUSSED: Plan out your study schedule to achieve your goals.
The following are ‘Tips to get a good rank’. The first letter of each sentence, when combined denotes the same. paste it on your table and follow.
Try not to eat junk food in the evening, one hour before study time.
Involving in top-of-the-voice arguments before studies, discussing next day’s exciting programme disturbs your concentration.
Prepare your own notes instead of reading guides. Condensing the subject in your own way is called key-noting.
Start studying every day exactly at the same time. Apply the same principle to your eating and sleep habits also.
This is called ‘cleaning the mind-slate’. Stand still and pray for 5 minutes before starting your studies.
Organise priority and time schedule for each subject. Never avoid studying difficult/boring subjects.
Getting up early and studying in the morning enhances your memory power as the electro-magnetic path waves in the brain are in a state of tranquillity and are more composed.
Environment plays a vital role. Study in a cool and calm place. Light an incense stick. Avoid music.
Target and desire should always be the same. Your obsessive desire to watch small screen works against your target of becoming a distinguished professional.
Avoid conversing with family members or phoning to friends in the midst of your study.
Get your doubts clarified immediately and never hesitate to ask, particularly with regard to mathematics and sciences.
Organise to sandwich an uninteresting subject between two interesting subjects so that you don’t feel bored.
Obedience, discipline, time and space planning, controlling negative emotions, etc., are the characteristics of a ranker.
Differentiate between an ‘interesting’ job and a ‘useful’ one. Spending more time on interesting jobs at the cost of a useful one is called ‘laziness’.
Revise the earlier lessons whenever time permits.
Ability is not a comparative term as far as memory is concerned. Every student has the same remembrance power. Some students forget lessons because they remember ‘other’ things.
Nothing supersedes success. It’s like a room fragrance. Once you experience it, you will always like to be there. Initially it is hard to abstain from gossiping, chatting and watching TV, but once you taste the success, you enjoy the charm of being different from others.
Keep smiling. You need not forgo your smile to be a top ranker.
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