Wednesday, December 22, 2010


 creativity stands for putting practical thoughts in a 
beautiful well woven, crafted and elegant manner…..!

Dreams, people say don’t dream wake up start working……….only 
with right dreams we can start working!

Talking…too much talking is not good that’s what we hear…is 
there any field in life which goes beyond talks…People like to talk 
their mind each time, irrespective of consequences…good, bad 
even worse!

Pessimism…..u carry a grudge with life,work,situations,people ,all 
in all…a very  broken piece of ones character…but can we 
overcome pessimism with optimism…pessimism play around ,hiding 
ones true talents, character..Optimism come out the same person 
with a changed heart and mind!

Communicate…You find different means of communication…Idiot 
box,mobil e,internet,print or electronic media…why we need it….?
world love to communicate in right and quick manner…in itself a 
true need that good,bad,best in life without communication or 
being able to communicate..all unresolved matter will have a new 
name   ——————————–
ILL..*Once we communicate what went right or wrong…whole 
process of relation will have a new meaning…!
Overreact….its one of the worst concept…yet if we do not 
overreact. At some point of time. will we ever learn..How to really 
judge the issues which needed our immediate attention and that of 
the concerned person!

Trust…can have a totally negative side…its better not to trust 
anybody, not even close friends.when u trust a person you over 
expect things…so be neutral..All human are not divine…simply 
accept each person by being your true self, not by trying to find 
trustful people around us.

Dependent…well! dependency at some point of view is also not bad 
after all…depending on your your time how to move, your friends 
where they lead, your each passing time we need to depend on how 
life carries each and every moments with both success and 
failures..Which again depends on how to put forth our footsteps to 
better understanding.lets depend on some these aspect of our life.

 Anger….well anger is not always a negative source..if we do not 
react negatively at some issues…how we will learn to control our 
feelings ,attitudes, and many pace of life where e in future we can 
always feel not to repeat certain anger to overcome!

Hatred….Hatred leave us in hell ,where we become the temperory 
criminals of our mind &action!

Love…  Its blank with no definition…..depends on the people who 
fill it and feel it…like air,water and oxygen we breathe..either we 
can pollute it or keep it pure!

Friends. &relations . .be careful while we choose….it can make us 
or destroy us too!

Misunderstanding… the most foolish ,ignorant thoughts ,we carry 
as a burden with  us and others around.

 Cheat...can we cheat people we love, or they can cheat…
us….people who cheat others…always end up cheating their own 

Human beings…we are a different set of species…men and women…the thought process differs so much…..yet cannot live without each other…that’s the source which binds the so contrasting characters together….!well, opposites always attracts !

Anxious…without getting anxious can we ever been successful in 
all our experiments, philosophy of why? How? When?we need to 
ask ourselves of things happening..And not fear the 
consequences..Win and loss..Syndrome always plays around..So 
when confused…just go on and clear all your doubts..You will 
either win or loss…but confusion will not win at least!

Life…. people say we have given only one life to live…yet ,i 
feel..we are born once ,yet we can  make or break our life each 
passing moment,again and again….which one do u prefer?
Hence,live it as u like it! i smile each morning..i can see the sunsmiling with me,as 
i smile each night i can see the moon & the stars smiling bright…
Smile comes not out of burden ,but out of happiness and  
contentment..out of love and cherished life…keep smiling!

Everyday, we wake up.think or not think…plan or not plan…each 
day some thing new happens…we learn something new …Hope we 
learn few lessons in life…and teach few…concept, thought process 
might differ…people might be un bearable most of times, ideas may 
just not match..In my life’s Aid box I always carry lots of apologies 
to all  events,incidence,matters,expressions,reactions,feelings etc…
knowingly, unknowingly I perform or done!….just enjoy each 
moments..With an open heart and mind these thoughts are my 
own…it might fit to some or be unfit to others…yet thought process 
need to be shared as our own……have a nice day to all?

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