Every moment has its beauty,if we are not lonely,or incomplete..we will stop searching for wholeness…the search wud end thr,if we have found the ultimate love again the search wud end..so what fun do life wud have…in few things the incomplete feeling gives us reason to look for better options,better things..and the voidness is not in lose alone ..the joy is in the search…dreams….of hope,faith..each time we keep.
And times in the so called journey we meet,greet so many moments,faces,laughter,tears…
Times we r understood,times misintrepreted ..yet in that we search for goodness,we search for better face,we search for better understanding…unknowingly we cleanse our soul…as there is a positivity that leads u to look out for better deal in life!
yet our dear &near ones never leave us…they stay with us..near or far!!!in the search…invisible …as they stay very close within locked in our heart!!!
So in failure,never stop the search for success..
In darkness never stop the search for a light..
In anger never leave the hands of your loved ones
In rejection …never feel alone..
In pain never lose hope…
As moments are alwz made..path broken is alwz mended….when life gives u an oppurtunity to look ahead…let the search for best never leave us apart…
I believe in miracles each day..
I believe in god holding my hands at each fall..
I believe in angels whom i call friends and family….
I beleieve in the world though times it breaks my hope…i believe in my life which alwz holds me locked tight within its heart:)))))
Keep moving ahead ….there is enough time to live and fight:)
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