Why people offer oil to appease Shani dev
In our Hindus society, it is habitual to bath Shani dev in Til Oil. Many people also raised this question that why people offer oil to Shani dev. There is a short story behind this.
As per Hindu Epic Ramayana, when the bridge was constructed from Rameswaram to Lanka by Ram’s army, Hanumanji had the responsibility of looking after the security of bridge lest the
enemy damage it. One day Hanumanji sat under the trees and offering prayer to God Rama. God Shanidev went there and said to Hanumanji, “I am the powerful god Shani dev. I heard you are also so powerful, so I want to test your might with me. Open your eyes and fight with me.”
In response to shanidev, Hanumanji opened his eyes & said “Now I am meditating upon my lord. I request you don’t disturb me in my prayer & leave me alone.” But God Shani dev was stable on picking a fight. At the same time, hanumanji stretched out his tail and started binding it around Shani dev. slowly he tightened the coiled tail. God Shani dev tried to free himself but he could not. Hanumanji moved his tail up & down hitting him against the stone of bridge. Shanidev started bleeding.
When the pain was unbearable, God Shani requested to him, “Release me. I will never do a similar mistake again.” Hanumanji replied, “If you promise me that you shall never afflict Ram’s devotees then I will let you go” In the great pain shanidev promised to Hanumanji, “I will do as you say, I will never interfere in the destiny of those devoted to you & Ram.”
When shanidev became free, He asked to Hanuman, “Could you give me some oil to relieve my wretched pain.” Then Hanuman gave the oil to Shanidev, after the spread of oil on his body, his pain was relieved immediately.
Since then it is customary to offer oil to Shanidev. It is symbolic of soothing his pain. He feels satisfied and this makes him benevolent towards the devotee.
As per Hindu Epic Ramayana, when the bridge was constructed from Rameswaram to Lanka by Ram’s army, Hanumanji had the responsibility of looking after the security of bridge lest the
enemy damage it. One day Hanumanji sat under the trees and offering prayer to God Rama. God Shanidev went there and said to Hanumanji, “I am the powerful god Shani dev. I heard you are also so powerful, so I want to test your might with me. Open your eyes and fight with me.”
In response to shanidev, Hanumanji opened his eyes & said “Now I am meditating upon my lord. I request you don’t disturb me in my prayer & leave me alone.” But God Shani dev was stable on picking a fight. At the same time, hanumanji stretched out his tail and started binding it around Shani dev. slowly he tightened the coiled tail. God Shani dev tried to free himself but he could not. Hanumanji moved his tail up & down hitting him against the stone of bridge. Shanidev started bleeding.
When the pain was unbearable, God Shani requested to him, “Release me. I will never do a similar mistake again.” Hanumanji replied, “If you promise me that you shall never afflict Ram’s devotees then I will let you go” In the great pain shanidev promised to Hanumanji, “I will do as you say, I will never interfere in the destiny of those devoted to you & Ram.”
When shanidev became free, He asked to Hanuman, “Could you give me some oil to relieve my wretched pain.” Then Hanuman gave the oil to Shanidev, after the spread of oil on his body, his pain was relieved immediately.
Since then it is customary to offer oil to Shanidev. It is symbolic of soothing his pain. He feels satisfied and this makes him benevolent towards the devotee.
Saturn - The Singlemost Important Transit of 2007

The Transit of Saturn: How does it affect me?
Om Sanecharaya Namaha!
“Astrology is a very alive tradition in India. Particularly in the state of Tamil Nadu where there are exclusive temples for each planet. The planets are not simply regarded as celestial objects in the galaxy. They are live beings in charge of creating destiny not only for each individual, but for nations and in fact, for all forms, plants and animals included.
How do you know that Saturn has affected you one way or the other? Yes, the transit is good and bad - good for some and bad for others. Generally speaking, the transit is good for Gemini, Libra and Pisces. Bad for Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn. This is true by Western astrology as well as Vedic. In Vedic astrology you have two reference points, one based on your Ascendant and the other on you natal moon (natal moon means the position of the moon at the time of birth). Again the prediction is only generalization.

How do you know that Saturn has affected you one way or the other? Yes, the transit is good and bad - good for some and bad for others. Generally speaking, the transit is good for Gemini, Libra and Pisces. Bad for Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn. This is true by Western astrology as well as Vedic. In Vedic astrology you have two reference points, one based on your Ascendant and the other on you natal moon (natal moon means the position of the moon at the time of birth). Again the prediction is only generalization.
Propitiation of Saturn (Saturday)
CHARITY: Donate a blue sapphire or another blue to purple gemstone, iron steel, leather, farm land, a black cow, a cooking oven with cooking utensils, a buffalo, black mustard or black sesamum seeds, to a poor man on Saturday evening.
FASTING: On Saturday during Saturn transits, and especially major or minor Saturn periods.
MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours and forty minutes before sunrise, especially during major or minor Saturn periods:

Om shanaescaraya namah Om shantaya namah Om sarvabhistapradayine namah Om sharanyaya namah Om vagenyaya namah Om sarveshaya namah Om saumyaya namah Om suramvandhaya namah Om suralokaviharine namah Om sukhasonapavishtaya namah Om sundaraya namah Om ghanaya namah Om ghanarupaya namah Om ghanabharanadharine namah Om ghanasaravilepaya namah Om khadyotaya namah Om mandaya namah Om mandaceshtaya namah Om maha-niyaguna-atmane namah Om martyapavanapadaya namah Om maheshaya namah Om dhayaputraya namah Om sharvaya namah Om shatatuniradharine namah Om carasthirasvabhavaya namah Om acamcalaya namah Om nilavarnaya namah Om nityaya namah Om nilanjana-nibhaya namah Om nilambara-vibhushaya namah Om nishcalaya namah Om vedyaya namah Om vidhi-rupaya namah Om virodha-dhara-bhumaye namah Om bhedaspadasvabhavaya namah Om vajradehaya namah Om vairagyadaya namah Om viraya namah Om vitarogabhayaya namah Om vipatparampareshaya namah Om vishva-vandyaya namah Om gridhnavahaya namah Om gudhaya namah Om kurmangaya namah Om kurupine namah Om kutsitaya namah Om gunadhyaya namah Om gocaraya namah Om avidhya-mula-nashaya namah Om vidhya-avidhya-svarupine namah Om ayushyakaranaya namah Om apaduddhartre namah Om vishnu-bhaktaya namah Om vishine namah Om vividhagamavedine namah Om vidhistutyaya namah Om vandhyaya namah Om virupa-akshaya namah Om varishthaya namah Om garishthaya namah Om vajram-kushagharaya namah Om varada bhayahastaya namah Om vamanaya namah Om jyeshthapatni-sametaya namah Om shreshthaya namah Om mitabhashine namah Om kashtaughanashakartre namah Om pushtidaya namah Om stutyaya namah Om stotra-gamyaya namah Om bhakti-vashyaya namah Om bhanave namah Om bhanuputraya namah Om bhavyaya namah Om pavanaya namah Om dhanur-mandala-samsthaya namah Om dhanadaya namah Om dhanushmate namah Om tanu-prakasha-dehaya namah Om tamasaya namah Om asheshajanavandyaya namah Om visheshaphaladayine namah Om vashikritajaneshaya namah Om pashunam pataye namah Om khecaraya namah Om khageshaya namah Om ghana-nilambaraya namah Om kathinyamanasaya namah Om aryaganastutyaya namah Om nilacchatraya namah Om nityaya namah Om nirgunaya namah Om gunatmane namah Om niramayaya namah Om nandyaya namah Om vandaniyaya namah Om dhiraya namah Om divya-dehaya namah Om dinartiharanaya namah Om dainyanashakaraya namah Om aryajanaganyaya namah Om kruraya namah Om kruraceshtaya namah Om kama-krodha-karaya namah Om kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya pariposhita-bhaktaya namah Om parabhitiharaya namah Om bhakta-sangha-manobhishta-phaladaya namah
Shani seed mantra: Om pram prim praum sah shanaisharaya namah.
RESULT: The planetary deity Shani is pleased insuring victory in quarrels, over coming chronic pain, and bringing success to those engaged in the iron or steel trade.
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