What is love?
Why we are so partial about it? End up mostly or relate to Man and Women.
Why we forget the first love starts from a mother to her child too, the warmth both share, the feeling of the child and mother being closer. Unfortunately, we cannot connect anymore to the childlike love. As it is impossible as we grow and meet the unknown desires…wizard and mostly chasing a beautiful mirage with most of the younger generation!
Yet, a truth that love has no boundaries, the warmth, the sweet hug, the light kiss on the cheek, defines the warmth we feel for each other.So what makes us , feel sad or excited when few in love? As it’s a spontaneous and natural feeling perhaps pure unplanned!Are we confused over togetherness as being mere physical longing or we can try to connect the spirituality, true happiness, smile, care, share which is connected to the warmth we feel in love!
Just like a child in the mothers womb…breathing in peace and harmony with the body and soul it is connected!!!
The restless vibration within, the loss of breadth, the feeling of loneliness, shall we state this part of love as mere longing.Just like we wait the seasons to bring changes outside ,be it spring,autumn,winter,fearing the summer or fearing the chilled ,windy winter, or as a weather which pass away quickly, leaving us either too hot, too cold, too happy or simply searching for the true meaning our entire life.
Has anyone ever tried to simplify the meaning? we ignore the little ones as they play freely in the play ground or our closed room, looking out for freedom to feel the sun, and be with the play mates, there perhaps the love is for freedom…and yes! The word again connects to love for freedom of expression.
Hence love is freedom, and respecting our true expressions. We need to be free…as a bird…not as a prisoners ,Imprisoned by our own interest ,desire, lust, longing,which alone can come from understanding of self and the society we live in,acceptance of our ideas or thoughts,feelings or desires .
To create true understanding of people and the world around or feel the freedom, we need to be a child once again…who look out side the boundary wall to see his playmates playing in the mud…making sand castles…which the child cherish with the knowledge or understanding, the fact that it would break any second ,and need to know that it’s the freedom they cherished in playing in the mud..And building the castle,need to give patience,care,and support to hold the delicate sand with utmost care, to build the sand castle which could break any time and flow with the waves away away!!!
As the shore, cannot stop from new waves to break the castle we build outside our home or play! Similarly, once love is taken as escapism from reality, loneliness, or mere desires, to fill the voidness in life, there we lose the freedom for ever.and end up giving self mental and physical insult & pain.
Instead feel the warmth of all, our family, friends, child,the place we live and cherish. Can anybody claim, they do not love all these fact they proudly keep, or cherish and feel the smile each share silently?
Our body just reflects the outer outcome…and life would seem always incomplete with ever increasing melancholy, longing for some unknown ,loss of appetite, sleep, mental havoc it create outside and within…people lose the belief in others kind words , ignore life’s blessings ,and would end up always seeing negative even in the best people, words or situation.
Hence the choice is ours…to feel free to love the mankind, or make love just as a longing..and feel the life with it or without a miserable game to follow. Always search and be with people who are dear and near to you, and believe in people who care for you even from far way, with words, positive gestures and blessings.
Love is freedom, to express self in a pure ,true mannerism, accept self, accept weaker section, our parents in the old age, the happiness we feel when a child is holding on to us ,for every little thing ,where we are not impatient or angered by there constant query. Love is forgiveness, empathy, respecting each others thought and action, patience, understanding, compassion, faith, trust, warmth of each other, lets not make it a game, where we feel either winner of hearts, or losers. Never lose the freedom to express, truth, a child look utmost for truth from parents, and similarly as we grow old, seek truth from our child.
Love the freedom pure caring and sharing make us feel….as we see the smile never fades from our face.
Keep smiling friends..love the life, people ,in the right way…and win the freedom ,of true expression…throwing unwanted desires to the dustbinJFill your heart with knowledge in abundance, respect for the opposite sex,be proud of your emotions, which is our best friend as well as worst too!
“Love is not something you want to feel, it is something you feel without wanting.”
Feel happy, lets face all the weathers, love the freedom of warmth, we share…each day, isn’t it?

*(Nonethe less,what i have expressed is just my thoughts,where ,the response naturally need to be diffrent..as its a personal choice for each new generatiion ,including myself,never meant to relate to any body knowingly or unknowinglyjust my freewill orcan say love of thoughts:)Godbless !!!)*
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