Saturday, April 30, 2011

Past Perfect Present Tense?

The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth.
Chinese Proverb
That says it all. That is life. The ability to live and enjoy life as it is.
During a meeting with old schoolmates, all of us went crazy with laughter talking about "the good old days".  Everything seemed so pleasant in retrospect .even the rules that we hated so much back then, the teachers who were terrors in our eyes then had become "lovable eccentrics" today. Most of all we agreed that the "monstrous rigidity" with which discipline was enforced in our school was mostly responsible for us being what we are today—well adjusted individuals. (That's what we think of ourselves haven't asked or rather dared to ask other people for their opinion).
 It's the case with most people; the "past perfect, present tense" syndrome seems to sweep through most of the population of the world. So often we meet people who say that they are waiting for retirement, so that they can spend more time doing what they want to . Yet, after retirement, the same person cannot seem to stop talking about the office that they were so eager to leave!
The "imperfect" present becomes "perfect" as soon as it melts away into the past.
It is our constant endeavor to turn each present moment into a moment of glory, of achievement that takes away the joy from the present moment.
Somebody once told me, live this moment to the fullest .this moment is special because it is yours, because life is precious. Yet we wait for "special occasions" to celebrate life, forgetting that special moment was ours because this life is ours. Life is the greatest gift we could possibly get…celebrate life,even the imperfections of life is more worthwhile than the perfection of art.
Miracles and glories are great but the challenge of facing daily life with a smile and spreading that smile all around is greater.

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