Photo by photo61guy
Sowing mind, reaping action
Sowing action, reaping habit
Sowing habit, reaping personality
Sowing personality, reaping fate
Sowing action, reaping habit
Sowing habit, reaping personality
Sowing personality, reaping fate
Anyone wants to change his/her fate to be better. However based on research, there are only 5% of people who have commitment to change their fates. Meanwhile, the other 95% only hope, want or like if their fate change, but they never have strong commitment to change.
The 5% people, who have commitment to change their fate, make the change as a must and will do anything to change their fate. Meanwhile the 95% people act reluctantly and will give up soon if the challenge is too difficult by using any excuse to justify.
We are often got caught into shallow thoughts that only give less results. The causes are we feel reluctant to try to think big and are influenced by small things done by ‘small’ people (they don’t want to think and to become great people).
It is known before that people who think big and small are not related to race, religion, educational level, family background and wealth. The people who think small get used to living the way they are and they accept the current condition as the final result without trying to develop their God given talents by making reasonable excuses, like “I want to do a business but I have no capital”. The excuse seems reasonable, but it is not completely true. The capital is not always about money. Many people start business without money.
Research by IRS, a survey institution in USA, said that there are 5 million millionaires in USA who mostly become rich not from heritage. Instead, there are 300 billionaires who start businesses from zero.
Our biggest assets are brain and body. Brain is a marvelous and creative thing to create dreams and make the dreams come true by finding ways to make them happened.
It doesn’t matter if our dream looks impossible in the beginning. Wright brothers dreamed of creating a plane which looked impossible at that time (because there was no plane at that time). However they thought persistently, therefore they found a way to make it came true. As a result, their dream was fulfilled.
Now, start to dream the things that you wish for all this time. Then the most important thing is to act to make it happens by finding ways in your brain continuously. Remember, mind storming!
Dreams make may great things in the world. Dream also makes me could use a computer to write article. Dream also makes you could read this article. Dream also makes people to have passionto face a new day.
Dream is like breath in our lives. Without dream, someone will die because she/he can not grow, can not work and never be used. By the time your dream can be happened, your fate can change.
Dare to dream about great things. Dare to make them come true with any challenges and price that must be paid. Next, you must be dare to face the consequences, which are changes in your life.
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