Photo by haX0r
Many people believe that success is a result or a specific outcome, a destination that they will reach someday. They may define success as a certain amount of money in the bank, a certain kind of car or house, job, degree, or specific relationship. All of these may be parts of your success – targets you achieved along the way – but it is not success itself .
Success is more than just the realization of one target, or more. Target is important for improvements and life, but that target is not ‘success’ itself. To have a car, a house, or a job does not mean you have become successful. These targets are a leap in your process- facilities to reach a destination – but not the targets themselves.
Success is not a specific destination; success is the path you choose. It is a process, a journey that will never end. It is a continuous improvement to your highest destination, vision, dreams-in all aspects. I know a lot of people who are very successful financially but do not feel happy. They are not really successful. Others havegreat relations, but not successful financially. None of these people has exactly reach success.
Writer and philosopher Earl Nightingale said that success is ‘a progressive realization of an invaluable dream’. This means success is an extending realization, a growing wisdom.
Because success is a path you choose, it is important that you keep these two things in mind :
Because success is a path you choose, it is important that you keep these two things in mind :
1. You have to be sure about what you really want in your life, in your heart and soul.
2. You have to know that it is your path, the path that you have chosen yourself.
You are the only one who can define success to yourself. Make sure you choose your own way, and not chasing a target that people around told you as something that you ‘must’ want. If not, you will find yourself at the top of a ladder, but that ladder is leaning on the wrong wall!
Success Comes From The Inside, Not The Outside
Success comes from inside ourselves. Some people argue that their success are measured by their status, skills, environmental factors, or chances. Success can be affected by external or environmental factors, but doesn’t decided or caused by those factors.
The environments you grew up on, how much money you have right now in your bank account, whether you love your current job or not, or the feelings that you are limited in one thing or not, all these factors will just cause a slight difference. It does not matter how your parents treated or not treated you. It does not matter whether you are eighty years old or twelve years old, whether you have a Ph.D degree or not or maybe you did not finish high school. There is no meaning whatsoever in your current job, or whether your relationship is devastated or extraordinary. History proves that there are hundreds of people with less perfect conditions who achieved great success even though it seemed that they were facing extraordinary challenges.
Walt Disney is a great example. He was fired once because he did not have enough creativity, and he failed six times before he could realize Disneyland.
George Lucas had no money after finishing Star Wars he could not make posters for his movie premiere. In the end of the shooting, when they had to take a scene where hundreds of people welcoming the heroes back from war, they had almost no money to hire extras. They solved this problem with taking the shot of a few people they could hire, and then asked them to move to one part of a very large hall. Then, they stopped shooting, and asked those people to move to another part of the hall, and take the shot again. They repeat this shot five times and combine them, so with just a few people moving from one side of the hall to the others, they created an illusion of hundreds of extras and a hall full of people.
At the end of the shooting, George Lucas had so many debts, but he never doubted his vision and dreams. He asked the studio whether they were interested to give him the rights to sell Star Wars products and toys so he could pay his debts. Until twenty years later, Lucas company had sold more than 1,5 billion dollar in Star Wars toys.
With the profit from the toys, he built the best special effects studio in the world, Industrial Light and Magic, and shot again the Star Wars trilogy exactly the way he imagined at first. He released again those films to receive reviews full of compliments and introduce Star Wars to its new fans generations. His film became number one, when it was released the first time, and also the second time. Although there were many challenges, Lucas believes in his visions and became more successful than his wildest dreams.
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