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How to build perseverance? How do determined people manage to deal with various situations while others simply fall into despair when confronted with problems? Here are three recommended ways to strengthen your perseverance :
1. Concentrate on your successful final achievement
When you fall apart and none of your friends comes to help, then whom you can count on to support you? The answer is : your own thinking.
Yes, it is your mind, not your friends, nor your partner nor even your spouse, that can take you out from the pit of disappointment. They might motivate you to rise again but somehow in the end it will be your own thinking that will actually help you at that crucial moment.
Let your mind concentrate or look at your successful final achievement and it will keep your spirit and courage to struggle on. It also will prevent you from feeling so desperate and completely defeated.
When they fail, most people tend to sink into a deep despair, a greatsense of loosing materially and psychologically. This is where the danger lies.
Most people usually let their present low scoring achievements worry and haunt their mind. Say that up to this moment your achievement so far is “not good”. Naturally you would then let this fact serve as a basic upon which reason your further thinking goes. It would result in some “not good consciousness” in your mind. If this “not good consciousness” or “failure consciousness” is repeatedly introduced into your mind, eventually it would sink into your sub consciousness and remain trapped there with all harmful consequences it may inflict.
Yes, it is your mind, not your friends, nor your partner nor even your spouse, that can take you out from the pit of disappointment. They might motivate you to rise again but somehow in the end it will be your own thinking that will actually help you at that crucial moment.
Let your mind concentrate or look at your successful final achievement and it will keep your spirit and courage to struggle on. It also will prevent you from feeling so desperate and completely defeated.
When they fail, most people tend to sink into a deep despair, a greatsense of loosing materially and psychologically. This is where the danger lies.
Most people usually let their present low scoring achievements worry and haunt their mind. Say that up to this moment your achievement so far is “not good”. Naturally you would then let this fact serve as a basic upon which reason your further thinking goes. It would result in some “not good consciousness” in your mind. If this “not good consciousness” or “failure consciousness” is repeatedly introduced into your mind, eventually it would sink into your sub consciousness and remain trapped there with all harmful consequences it may inflict.
Here is a relevant expression :
“Control your mind for you can do a lot of things with it.”
“Control your mind for you can do a lot of things with it.”
2. Surround yourself with positive things
Having positive things around you will greatly stimulate you in building up your perseverance or resolution :
Positive things may vary :
- Praying
- Listening to motivating narrations from cassettes
- Putting positive pictorial posters around your place
- Reading books of positive material
- Decorate your room with positive atmosphere
- Making friends with positive thinking people
Positive things may vary :
- Praying
- Listening to motivating narrations from cassettes
- Putting positive pictorial posters around your place
- Reading books of positive material
- Decorate your room with positive atmosphere
- Making friends with positive thinking people
3. Keep away from unlikely worries
Just accept and admit whenever your business venture fails. You loose a lot of money, you are in huge debts you can’t pay. That’s really an enormous problem! And still you let yourself even more burdened with things like : what people would say about you, how their judgments against you would be, what your neighbour would say, what your parent would say, what your parent would ask you and tell you, and so on.
But by deeper thinking, you would generally find no real disturbing things there. Actually no one would really care about the fate of your business. More likely they would mind their own business and spare no time on yours.
One most recent study states that 93% of the things we worry about, do not actually exist, only 7% do. And of the existing real problems, some are beyond our capabilities to deal with. Thus why should you worry about things you can do nothing about?
But by deeper thinking, you would generally find no real disturbing things there. Actually no one would really care about the fate of your business. More likely they would mind their own business and spare no time on yours.
One most recent study states that 93% of the things we worry about, do not actually exist, only 7% do. And of the existing real problems, some are beyond our capabilities to deal with. Thus why should you worry about things you can do nothing about?
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