Photo by Mr.Kris
The Power of Giving
“We make a living with what we get. But we make a life with what we give.”
- Winston Churchill-
- Winston Churchill-
“One cannot truly help others without helping himself.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
The greatest world leaders, people with great achievements, and extremely successful people are always great givers. Napoleon Hills said, “I attract others to serve me because of my willingness to serve others.”
The law of cause and reaction states that every reaction has a cause, and every cause has a reaction. It also can be stated as the principals of boomerang, which says that what you give to the universe will come back directly to your life. Give more and you will receive more. Give less and you will receive less.
The problem is many people give less and wish more. It will not work, and then they will be disappointed.
Why giving is so important for success? There are two reasons :
1. If you give great service and value to others, you will receive great repayment.
2. Giving is the quickest way to plant the new ideas and reality about abundance into your subconscious. When you give, you say to yoursubconscious that you have more than enough and that you live in total abundance. You don’t have to pile it, take care what you have, be stingy, or hide it in some certain way. You can always attract to yourself more than you need-all the time, and from an infinite resources.
The Power of Gratitude
“When you feel grateful, you become very good, and then you attract very good things.”
- Plato -
- Plato -
“The act of gratitude is the source of goodness.”
- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
The act of gratitude is not only the source of goodness, but also the source of all life goodness. Being grateful brings love, health, happiness, and prosperity. Wherever you find really successful people, you will find a lot of acts of gratitude. The act of gratitude creates a magnetic field which is stronger than the others, it is so strong it cannot hold the coming of your vision to you.
The other side of the coin is that the lack of gratitude can extremely paralyzes you. If we are not careful, we can forget all goodness that has came to our life. Focusing to what you do not have, not to what you really have, throw all your systems into the negative vibrant and the state of imbalance. According to the law of gravity, people who are not grateful intend to attract and manifest things that they in fact fear of and hate: poorness, and all its form. They think about poorness, so they manifest poorness.
To have a continuous feeling of gratitude, you have to understand and believe three truths:
1. Your situation now is very good and will always get better.
2. Your life now is full of things that you can be grateful of.
3. Your results now will continuously change, grow, and become better.
According to the law of relativity, our reality is created only because of comparison. We can feel grateful or ungrateful for whatever our situation is right now. Some people may feel truly blessed and grateful for a 30.000 dollars salary. Some other people may not be satisfied at all with that amount.
Luckily, we all have many things to be grateful of. We are alive. Most of us have relation with others, well fed, have a place to rest, and clothes. To get into the ungrateful mind set, we have to forget all of it and focus on limited amount of things which makes us unsatisfied.
For example, you may be not satisfied with your salary now. The only way for you to feel unsatisfied is to compare it with something else, to value it with certain criteria. There is nothing wrong with the desire to increase your earnings, but it’s actually useless to think about that amount of money as too much or too small. May be the amount is not exactly as much as you wanted, but that amount is probably quite a lot if compared to the annual average income of 180 dollar in Bangladesh. If you look at it from that point of view, your feeling about it will change.
Your situation now is the result of your past thoughts and your past acts. This situation is not good or bad. This situation is just how it is now. There is no connection with how much will you earn in the future and there is no real meaning except the one you gave to it. Since you can choose to be grateful or ungrateful, why not choose the framework of mind which will star to bring more goodness to yourself? The grateful attitude is one of the strongest magnet in the universe. Use it to attract more than anything you want.
The moment you start to be actively grateful for all the good things in your life, know that more good things are coming to you. When you send these positive and grateful vibrations, it is impossible for you to fail.
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