Saturday, June 12, 2010

Arrogance - an ‘in’ thing ?

Is Arrogance an "in" thing ?

Strange !! …..Isn’t it? …. But I have felt it strongly. My experience says , many a times people get confused between "Arrogance" and "Self ' confidence".

I had felt the first dose of it , when many years back, there was an ad of a soft drink, where a small child around 5 yrs of age answers back to a man of his grandfather’s age "Apne kya mujhe bewkuf samajh ke rakha hai?" (What do you think, am I a fool ?) ….. My Indian upbringing could not take it, which constantly taught me to be polite with elders.

Mnay people may brush aside such things, but then followed the larger than life television era , which still continues and somewhere little kids muttering the dialogue taught by the ad gurus, flashing the styles (too much for their age!) …. reach the living rooms of each Indian household.

Shifting towards little senior age group,I find the similar traits here too. On one side BPO’s have given a good chance to an average student to earn a big money, fend his/her own education expense and support the family too but on the other side somewhere probably due to the lack of experience of life, somewhere good old teachings of politeness and code of conduct are being forgotten.

Not pointing at any particular group of people from a particular profession, or any particular age group ,this is a very general observation.
(I observe, now my each write up carries a disclaimer !)

Is the big money the only cause for this roughness? It is a very good thing that hard work is fetching people good, big and quick money at much younger age as compared to the people until early nineties. (younger gen would not even know the term “Brozgari bhatta” unemployment allowence that is!! we grew up hearing that, berozgari was an issue during the election ! Now it is Laying Off !……….we are quite at par with developed countries  :)  ) well, well, Jokes apart, …….technically people are smarter to invest and take care of the finance, but the cohesiveness, patience, humbleness are becoming rare qualities.

I think when we have too much to handle before we have enough backing of the experience called ‘life’, we tend to commit the mistake of "knowing every thing" and hence creeps in the ‘arrogance’.

"Self ' confidence" is the result of sound knowledge, knowing and believing your capabilities but with the humble attitude and readiness to learn more, and with the capacity of listening to "more experienced" people. A self confident person is on ground realities, he or she also knows his/her limitations and is ready to learn and overcome.

An "Arrogant" person can also be equally knowledgeable, smart and at times people can not do without him/her in the given field (It is an irony , but it does happen sometimes) but can’t go for long. As it is being propagated by the ads, reality shows that talking big,marketing yourself and having an attitude of AGE ' NO BAR while communicating minus humbleness …..well, probably can give one A big high !….. but does not work for longer run.

So, let’s not forget good old fashioned values, that will certainly take us far.

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