Sunday, September 18, 2011

Karmas bond the Soul.

Jiva (soul), All living beings are called Jivas. Jivas have consciousness known as soul, which is also called the Atma (soul ' chetan), the soul and body are two different entities. The soul cannot be reproduced. It is described as a sort of energy which is indestructible, invisible, and shapeless. Jivas are divided in to five categories ranging from one sensed to five sensed beings. The body is merely a home foe the soul. At the time of death, the soul leaves the body to occupy a new one. Soul has an infinite capacity to know and perceive. This capacity of the soul is not experienced in its present state because of accumulated karmas.
Influx of Karmas,Influx of Karman particles to the soul is caused by wrong belief, vowlessness, negligence, and psychophysical activities. Such influx of karmas is facilitated by mental, physical or verbal activities.
By undertaking activities like providing food or other items to the need people, doing charity work, propagating religion etc we acquire good karmas, which when mature bring forth worldly comfort and happiness.
By undertaking bad activities like being cruel or violent, showing disrespect to parents or teachers, and others, being angry or greedy and showing arrogance or indulging in indecencies etc we acquire bad karmas, which when mature bring forth worldly sufferings, misery, and unhappiness.
Bondage of karmas, Bondage of Karman particles with the soul occur when we react to any situation with a sense of attachment or aversion.
Influx of Karman particles with the soul can be stopped by observing carefulness, control, monkshood, contemplating of the twelve mental reflections and sufferings.
Eradication of karmas, Karmas can be shed off by putting in active efforts for karmas to mature earlier than due time. This can be achieved by performing penance, repentance, asking for forgiveness for the discomfort or injury we might have caused to some one, meditation etc.
Liberation, When we get rid of all the karmas, good or bad, we attain liberation or moksha.

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