This is an excerpt from the book “Message Of The Lord” by Prof. G Venkataraman.
One of the doubts that invariably arises in the mind of the reader of the BhagavadGita (The Song Celestial from Lord Krishna) is
the following: “It is said that not a blade of grass moves without His
will. And yet, Krishna who claims this on the one hand also disowns any
responsibility for our actions. If we are puppets in His hands, as we
are supposed to be, why then should we suffer for so-called sins? Are
not all our actions ordained by Him? We are advised to improve, do better etc. Is not even that entirely in His hands? What is going on?”
the following: “It is said that not a blade of grass moves without His
will. And yet, Krishna who claims this on the one hand also disowns any
responsibility for our actions. If we are puppets in His hands, as we
are supposed to be, why then should we suffer for so-called sins? Are
not all our actions ordained by Him? We are advised to improve, do better etc. Is not even that entirely in His hands? What is going on?”

Actions do not taint Me, nor am I concerned with the fruits thereof…. -(Gita 4. 14)
Lord determines not the doership nor the doings of men, nor does He
link actions to their fruits; it is Nature alone that does all this… - (Gita 5. 14)
Lord determines not the doership nor the doings of men, nor does He
link actions to their fruits; it is Nature alone that does all this… - (Gita 5. 14)
The Supreme Lord is not responsible for anyone”s sins or,
that matter, anyone”s merit. They are both the result of actions
performed by beings whose knowledge is submerged in illusion. - (Gita 5. 15)
that matter, anyone”s merit. They are both the result of actions
performed by beings whose knowledge is submerged in illusion. - (Gita 5. 15)
By Me in My Unmanifested form, this whole world is pervaded;
all beings are in Me but I do not abide in them. - (Gita 9. 14)
all beings are in Me but I do not abide in them. - (Gita 9. 14)

And yet, those beings are not in Me! That indeed is
My unique power as Lord - though Creator and
the Sustainer of all beings, I remain aloof. -(Gita 9. 5)
My unique power as Lord - though Creator and
the Sustainer of all beings, I remain aloof. -(Gita 9. 5)
….. actions do not bind Me, unattached as I am to actions,
and always standing aloof. - (Gita 9.9)
and always standing aloof. - (Gita 9.9)
With Me as the Presiding Witness,……. the wheel of the
Universe keeps revolving. - (Gita 9. 10)
Universe keeps revolving. - (Gita 9. 10)
…… I am TIME, inflamed now and engaged in destroying the worlds… - (Gita 11. 32)
Seeming to possess the function of the senses, yet devoid is He
of the senses; though unattached, He is the sustainer of all;
- (Gita 13.15)
of the senses; though unattached, He is the sustainer of all;
- (Gita 13.15)
Without all beings and yet within; immovable and moving;
- (Gita 13. 16)
- (Gita 13. 16)
the Lord dwells in the heart of every being and by His delusive mystery
(Maya), whirls them all around as though mounted on a machine.
- (Gita 18. 61)
the Lord dwells in the heart of every being and by His delusive mystery
(Maya), whirls them all around as though mounted on a machine.
- (Gita 18. 61)
After a quick perusal of
the above, one must necessarily sympathise with the seeker who is
confused. Interestingly, the resolution to the enigma posed earlier is
available in the Gita itself. However, it might not quite
satisfy the devotee because in characteristic Krishna style, it is a
“Yes and no” kind of answer!
the above, one must necessarily sympathise with the seeker who is
confused. Interestingly, the resolution to the enigma posed earlier is
available in the Gita itself. However, it might not quite
satisfy the devotee because in characteristic Krishna style, it is a
“Yes and no” kind of answer!
'Yes' And 'No' in Science Too.
To one with a scientific bent
of mind, a “Yes and no” kind of answer might appear to be the height of
imprecision and equivocation. It is appropriate therefore to begin with
an example of a situation from science itself, where one has a “Yes”
answer to two seemingly contradictory situations. This example is based
on Einstein”s Special Theory of Relativity.
of mind, a “Yes and no” kind of answer might appear to be the height of
imprecision and equivocation. It is appropriate therefore to begin with
an example of a situation from science itself, where one has a “Yes”
answer to two seemingly contradictory situations. This example is based
on Einstein”s Special Theory of Relativity.
In normal day-to-day
experience and for that matter in non-relativistic physics in general,
space and time are considered two separate, distinct and disjoint
entities. This works fine, as long as objects do not move with speeds
comparable to that of light. If they do, then subtle complications
arise since space and time get intertwined, which Einstein”s theory
allows for. Let us consider one example of such a complication.
experience and for that matter in non-relativistic physics in general,
space and time are considered two separate, distinct and disjoint
entities. This works fine, as long as objects do not move with speeds
comparable to that of light. If they do, then subtle complications
arise since space and time get intertwined, which Einstein”s theory
allows for. Let us consider one example of such a complication.
In science, an event is
described in terms of two parameters - one its location, and two its
time of occurrence. In more scientific language, one would say that an
event is a point in space-time with a space component as well as a time
component. Time separation between events is normally measured using a
clock, as for example in a race, where the two events of importance are
the starting of the race and the arrival by the participant at the
finishing line.

described in terms of two parameters - one its location, and two its
time of occurrence. In more scientific language, one would say that an
event is a point in space-time with a space component as well as a time
component. Time separation between events is normally measured using a
clock, as for example in a race, where the two events of importance are
the starting of the race and the arrival by the participant at the
finishing line.

The Theory of Relativity
deals with the whole gamut of what happens to the description of events
by two observers, one of whom is stationary while the other is moving.
Let us say there are two events E(l) and E(2), and these are observed
by two observers A and B, of whom A is stationary and B is moving. Both
have stopwatches, very accurate and well synchronised in advance, etc.
deals with the whole gamut of what happens to the description of events
by two observers, one of whom is stationary while the other is moving.
Let us say there are two events E(l) and E(2), and these are observed
by two observers A and B, of whom A is stationary and B is moving. Both
have stopwatches, very accurate and well synchronised in advance, etc.
If the speed of B is small
compared to that of light, then both observers would record the same
time difference between the two events E(l) and E(2) under
consideration. However, if B moves with a speed close to that of light,
then situations are conceivable when B regards the two events as being
simultaneous, while A maintains that there is a finite time difference
between them - incidentally this difference of opinion has nothing to
do with the accuracy of measurement, which is assumed to be infinite.
The differences in the observations are genuine and arise because the
view points of the two observers are different - to use the language of
physics, one is in a stationary frame of reference while the other is
in a moving frame.
compared to that of light, then both observers would record the same
time difference between the two events E(l) and E(2) under
consideration. However, if B moves with a speed close to that of light,
then situations are conceivable when B regards the two events as being
simultaneous, while A maintains that there is a finite time difference
between them - incidentally this difference of opinion has nothing to
do with the accuracy of measurement, which is assumed to be infinite.
The differences in the observations are genuine and arise because the
view points of the two observers are different - to use the language of
physics, one is in a stationary frame of reference while the other is
in a moving frame.
The question arises: “Who
is right? Is it A or is it B?” Relativity says that with respect to
themselves individually, both are right! Without going into the details
of the argument or the underlying mathematics, one can see that one has
here, in hard-core science, a situation where one is forced to say
“Yes” to two seemingly contradictory observations! The point sought to
be made is that each “Yes” is a valid answer in its own right, and
applies to that particular point of view.
is right? Is it A or is it B?” Relativity says that with respect to
themselves individually, both are right! Without going into the details
of the argument or the underlying mathematics, one can see that one has
here, in hard-core science, a situation where one is forced to say
“Yes” to two seemingly contradictory observations! The point sought to
be made is that each “Yes” is a valid answer in its own right, and
applies to that particular point of view.
God At Various Levels
Let us get back now to
spirituality. Krishna, it will be recalled, discusses God at various
levels, from the Ultimate, the Unmanifest and the Formless One to the
God with Form, in particular the human form, or the Personal God, as He
is sometimes referred to. The various Slokas quoted above as
well, as the so-called contradictions in them must all be understood
against this background of God spanning a wide spectrum.
spirituality. Krishna, it will be recalled, discusses God at various
levels, from the Ultimate, the Unmanifest and the Formless One to the
God with Form, in particular the human form, or the Personal God, as He
is sometimes referred to. The various Slokas quoted above as
well, as the so-called contradictions in them must all be understood
against this background of God spanning a wide spectrum.
If God is considered at the
highest level, and one must in the end, then the Supreme One may be
compared to the titular head of a country - it could be a King or
President in whose name the Government functions but who is not
directly involved. (One important difference of course is that whereas
the titular head has no powers, God has all the powers!)
highest level, and one must in the end, then the Supreme One may be
compared to the titular head of a country - it could be a King or
President in whose name the Government functions but who is not
directly involved. (One important difference of course is that whereas
the titular head has no powers, God has all the powers!)

India, for example, all Governmental activities are performed for and
on behalf of the President; the President himself may know nothing
about the activity (which could be the purchase of an item) but the
power for it is derived from the President. Things happen in Creation
in the same manner.
God has all kinds of
agencies and laws, and the governance of the Universe is done by these
agencies strictly according to the laws ordained - God does not involve
Himself with micromanagement. For example, if one throws a stone up,
God in heaven does not pull the stone down. He has ordained a law of
gravity and that machinery swings into action - one might say that the
various agencies work “for and on behalf of God!” There is an action
and there is a reaction which also is built into the framework.
agencies and laws, and the governance of the Universe is done by these
agencies strictly according to the laws ordained - God does not involve
Himself with micromanagement. For example, if one throws a stone up,
God in heaven does not pull the stone down. He has ordained a law of
gravity and that machinery swings into action - one might say that the
various agencies work “for and on behalf of God!” There is an action
and there is a reaction which also is built into the framework.
In society too it is the
same; if say a person commits a traffic offence, the Traffic Police go
into action - the power to do so is ultimately derived from the Head of
the State, but the Head may be totally unaware of the offence. (By
contrast, God the Eternal Witness knows everything that is going on!)
same; if say a person commits a traffic offence, the Traffic Police go
into action - the power to do so is ultimately derived from the Head of
the State, but the Head may be totally unaware of the offence. (By
contrast, God the Eternal Witness knows everything that is going on!)
Physical Laws and Moral Laws Too
One would readily concede
that in both the examples cited, the physical and the social, there is
a clear-cut evidence of a machinery that operates, i.e., there are laws
which govern the entire process. But what about life, death, morality
etc.? Here too there are laws, revealed to sages, saints and prophets,
and recorded by them for posterity. These are the Moral Laws which
govern the Universe, as Gandhi once described them. One may not want to
believe in such laws but they operate nonetheless, just as the law of
gravity has been operating right from the birth of the Universe,
billions of years before Newton discovered it.
that in both the examples cited, the physical and the social, there is
a clear-cut evidence of a machinery that operates, i.e., there are laws
which govern the entire process. But what about life, death, morality
etc.? Here too there are laws, revealed to sages, saints and prophets,
and recorded by them for posterity. These are the Moral Laws which
govern the Universe, as Gandhi once described them. One may not want to
believe in such laws but they operate nonetheless, just as the law of
gravity has been operating right from the birth of the Universe,
billions of years before Newton discovered it.
And so we draw the first
important conclusion, which is that the Creator has ordained not only
physical laws which govern the Universe but also Moral laws which
govern the Universe too.
important conclusion, which is that the Creator has ordained not only
physical laws which govern the Universe but also Moral laws which
govern the Universe too.
Law of Karma
The most important of these is the Law of Karma which is just like Newton “s Third law: To each action, there is a Karmic
reaction! How exactly the business of “Reflection, Reaction and
Resound” as Swami often calls it works out in practice, has been
discussed earlier in this chapter, here we just note that having
ordained the law, the Creator stays aloof. He does not get involved in
micromanagement, just as He does not pull down a stone thrown up - He
does not have to; there are forces established which would take care of
that. Thus, God is not directly involved, but His power does operate
through suitable agencies.
reaction! How exactly the business of “Reflection, Reaction and
Resound” as Swami often calls it works out in practice, has been
discussed earlier in this chapter, here we just note that having
ordained the law, the Creator stays aloof. He does not get involved in
micromanagement, just as He does not pull down a stone thrown up - He
does not have to; there are forces established which would take care of
that. Thus, God is not directly involved, but His power does operate
through suitable agencies.

Skeptics pooh-pooh such
arguments, and yet, in ordinary experience, there are inexplicable
forces operating that are unquestionably the manifestations of the
Hidden Hand. Take, for example, dice tossing.
arguments, and yet, in ordinary experience, there are inexplicable
forces operating that are unquestionably the manifestations of the
Hidden Hand. Take, for example, dice tossing.
Everyone knows that the six numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and
6 have equal probability of showing up when the dice is thrown. But it
is also shown that there can be freak situations with say 6 appearing
repeatedly and consecutively, maybe as many as even ten times.
Undoubtedly, this would be extremely rare but it can happen, as
computer experiments show. Nevertheless, when one takes averages, one
finds that over many, many trials, all numbers have equal probability.
6 have equal probability of showing up when the dice is thrown. But it
is also shown that there can be freak situations with say 6 appearing
repeatedly and consecutively, maybe as many as even ten times.
Undoubtedly, this would be extremely rare but it can happen, as
computer experiments show. Nevertheless, when one takes averages, one
finds that over many, many trials, all numbers have equal probability.
Now how does the dice know
that since it has occasionally favoured the number 6 to recur an
unreasonable number of times, it has to correct the situation?
Mathematicians would argue that it is all due to the Law of Random
Numbers. One can write any number of formulae and equations but the
question remains “Who instructs the dice?” It cannot know by itself.
Well, no one has the answer.
that since it has occasionally favoured the number 6 to recur an
unreasonable number of times, it has to correct the situation?
Mathematicians would argue that it is all due to the Law of Random
Numbers. One can write any number of formulae and equations but the
question remains “Who instructs the dice?” It cannot know by itself.
Well, no one has the answer.
Again, with respect to
birth, it is well known that Nature has designed human genetics such
that there is equal chance for the birth of a boy as for a girl. At the
end of the Second World War, the population of males in Europe became
slightly less compared to that for females, since a large number of
young men were killed in battle. This imbalance was soon set right
automatically with the birth of more boys than girls. Who arranged it
so? The answer would be it is all the Law of Averages. But how exactly
does this Law operate? Which is the agency which keeps tab of the
statistics of population and sends signals when conception and birth
take place? Who presses the buttons? No one knows.
birth, it is well known that Nature has designed human genetics such
that there is equal chance for the birth of a boy as for a girl. At the
end of the Second World War, the population of males in Europe became
slightly less compared to that for females, since a large number of
young men were killed in battle. This imbalance was soon set right
automatically with the birth of more boys than girls. Who arranged it
so? The answer would be it is all the Law of Averages. But how exactly
does this Law operate? Which is the agency which keeps tab of the
statistics of population and sends signals when conception and birth
take place? Who presses the buttons? No one knows.
In a Nutshell..
The fact is, as Krishna
says, God has assigned His work to the deities which do the job for
Him, just as Government officials do the job for the Head of the State,
from whom they derive their executive power. In a nutshell,
says, God has assigned His work to the deities which do the job for
Him, just as Government officials do the job for the Head of the State,
from whom they derive their executive power. In a nutshell,
(i) At the highest level, God ordains and “delegates” power and responsibility;
(ii) He has laws governing various processes, physical and subtle;
(iii) the laws are operated
“for and on behalf of God” by these agencies in accordance with the
procedure encoded into the laws, whether we believe or not;
“for and on behalf of God” by these agencies in accordance with the
procedure encoded into the laws, whether we believe or not;
(iv) from this perspective,
God Himself is NOT directly involved on a minute to minute basis,
though the entire framework has been designed and set up by Him - this
is reiterated in Sloka 5. 14 - “The Lord determines not
the doership nor the doings of men, nor does He link actions to their
fruits; it is Nature alone that does all this… and Sloka 9.10 - “With Me as the Presiding Witness,……. the wheel of the Universe keeps
(v) But He is fully aware of what is going on, being the Witness.
God Himself is NOT directly involved on a minute to minute basis,
though the entire framework has been designed and set up by Him - this
is reiterated in Sloka 5. 14 - “The Lord determines not
the doership nor the doings of men, nor does He link actions to their
fruits; it is Nature alone that does all this… and Sloka 9.10 - “With Me as the Presiding Witness,……. the wheel of the Universe keeps
(v) But He is fully aware of what is going on, being the Witness.
Do I Have a Role At All?
The question might now
arise: “If everything is inexorably decided by a rigid framework of
laws, then where is the question of praying to God? He does not seem to
have my role to play at all, other than being a remote and unconcerned
Witness?” Here, an example would help.
arise: “If everything is inexorably decided by a rigid framework of
laws, then where is the question of praying to God? He does not seem to
have my role to play at all, other than being a remote and unconcerned
Witness?” Here, an example would help.
In many countries, the Head
of the State has the power of granting pardon. For example, in India, a
person sentenced to death may appeal to the President to reduce the
sentence to one of life imprisonment, and the President has the full
authority to do so. Similarly, irrespective of the sins one might
commit, one can always pray to God for forgiveness; and God can and
will shower His Grace if there is true repentance.
of the State has the power of granting pardon. For example, in India, a
person sentenced to death may appeal to the President to reduce the
sentence to one of life imprisonment, and the President has the full
authority to do so. Similarly, irrespective of the sins one might
commit, one can always pray to God for forgiveness; and God can and
will shower His Grace if there is true repentance.
The Witness And a Personal God
So far, arguments have been advanced in support of Sloka 5. 15 - “The
Supreme Lord is not responsible for anyone”s sins or, for that matter,
anyone”s merit. They are both the result of actions performed by beings
whose knowledge is submerged in illusion”, which is one side of the story.

Supreme Lord is not responsible for anyone”s sins or, for that matter,
anyone”s merit. They are both the result of actions performed by beings
whose knowledge is submerged in illusion”, which is one side of the story.

Let us now look at it from the other side, to be more specific, from the viewpoint of Sloka 18. 61 - …..
“The Lord dwells in the heart of every being and by His delusive
mystery (Maya), whirls them all around as though mounted on a machine”,
according to which one is merely a puppet in the hands of the Lord.
Swami says that everything in the Universe (including all beings) is a
limb of the Lord. From that point of view, the Lord does control and
determine all actions! In his perspective, one sees God everywhere and
does not recognise the minor deities; everything happens because God
wills so; if it rains, it is not just because of the clouds brought
rain but because God willed the clouds to do so, etc.
“The Lord dwells in the heart of every being and by His delusive
mystery (Maya), whirls them all around as though mounted on a machine”,
according to which one is merely a puppet in the hands of the Lord.
Swami says that everything in the Universe (including all beings) is a
limb of the Lord. From that point of view, the Lord does control and
determine all actions! In his perspective, one sees God everywhere and
does not recognise the minor deities; everything happens because God
wills so; if it rains, it is not just because of the clouds brought
rain but because God willed the clouds to do so, etc.
Perhaps an analogy might
help at this juncture. We are aware that the weather phenomena are
entirely due to the sun. Two views can be taken about what happens. One
might say that the sun merely shines and does not care whether the
Earth exists or not; the weather is controlled entirely by the oceans,
the atmosphere etc., although the driving energy is derived from the
help at this juncture. We are aware that the weather phenomena are
entirely due to the sun. Two views can be taken about what happens. One
might say that the sun merely shines and does not care whether the
Earth exists or not; the weather is controlled entirely by the oceans,
the atmosphere etc., although the driving energy is derived from the
Alternately, one might
declare that the sun heats the oceans, causes the water to evaporate;
it also heats the land and causes the air over it to rise producing
thereby, low pressure and that this differential pressure causes the
moisture derived from the oceans to be blown over the land where it
condenses as rain. In the former viewpoint, the sun is merely a witness
while in the latter viewpoint, the sun is directly involved.
declare that the sun heats the oceans, causes the water to evaporate;
it also heats the land and causes the air over it to rise producing
thereby, low pressure and that this differential pressure causes the
moisture derived from the oceans to be blown over the land where it
condenses as rain. In the former viewpoint, the sun is merely a witness
while in the latter viewpoint, the sun is directly involved.
We thus have the “Yes and
no” situation, which depends largely on the perspective. For one who
views God as the Abstract and the Formless, God functions merely as the
witness; but for one who believes in a personal God, the view that God
controls everything is not untenable.
no” situation, which depends largely on the perspective. For one who
views God as the Abstract and the Formless, God functions merely as the
witness; but for one who believes in a personal God, the view that God
controls everything is not untenable.
Finally, from the point of
view of one who does not see any diversity in the Universe but sees God
as being everything and the only thing, i.e., for one immersed in non-duality, all
is God, all is determined by God and all is done by God for there is
none other than God. Thus, as in the example based on Relativity, each
point of view is correct in its own frame of reference.
view of one who does not see any diversity in the Universe but sees God
as being everything and the only thing, i.e., for one immersed in non-duality, all
is God, all is determined by God and all is done by God for there is
none other than God. Thus, as in the example based on Relativity, each
point of view is correct in its own frame of reference.
Why Do People Suffer?
Even if one reluctantly
concedes the above argument, there will still linger the doubt: “Why do
people suffer for their actions, especially if God pulls the strings as
in the case of puppets?” Krishna has clearly explained this; He says
that if an action is done with a doership feeling, then clearly the
person doing the action is the doer and not God; and naturally, the
doer has to face the consequences too.
concedes the above argument, there will still linger the doubt: “Why do
people suffer for their actions, especially if God pulls the strings as
in the case of puppets?” Krishna has clearly explained this; He says
that if an action is done with a doership feeling, then clearly the
person doing the action is the doer and not God; and naturally, the
doer has to face the consequences too.
One cannot willfully plot a
murder, commit it for some personal reasons, and then sigh that it is
all His Will and His doing. If one thinks one is acting then God is
not; if one always thinks that it is God who is acting, then it is God
who is acting - it all depends on the person. In the latter case, the
person does not abandon the view even if something terrible happens to
him; instead, he stoically says that it is all a blessing from the
Lord. Incidentally, in the grand Master Plan, God knows fully well who
are the ones afflicted with the doership virus and who are the ones
free from it.
murder, commit it for some personal reasons, and then sigh that it is
all His Will and His doing. If one thinks one is acting then God is
not; if one always thinks that it is God who is acting, then it is God
who is acting - it all depends on the person. In the latter case, the
person does not abandon the view even if something terrible happens to
him; instead, he stoically says that it is all a blessing from the
Lord. Incidentally, in the grand Master Plan, God knows fully well who
are the ones afflicted with the doership virus and who are the ones
free from it.
And He delicately arranges
for some of the former to be His instruments - for example, the greedy
are made to face sometime or the other, thugs who extort money; greed
is thus suitably repaid. This way, the Divine Director provides a role
for all!
for some of the former to be His instruments - for example, the greedy
are made to face sometime or the other, thugs who extort money; greed
is thus suitably repaid. This way, the Divine Director provides a role
for all!
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