Voidness around us…
We search in empty canvas…
Colors, images…which were never sketched …
We laugh at those moments when we were not looking for happiness…
We cried unexpected…where we never expected tears to follow…
We played…we remained in the open air…
When we never looked for freedom…
We cherish those moments most which simply happened…unknowingly!!!
We always inhale life…unknowingly…ignorant, unconscious of our life…
And that we do exist each day along side…
Every where we follow life…life follows our dreams…
Unplanned as it goes…we color each side…
With knowledge that life goes with us…and we need to pull the right string…
Few things in life happen…when we never look around…
Slowly…we opened our door of knowledge …
And call it freedom…
Conscious of our happiness..
Conscious of our pain
Conscious of the empty canvas…
Enjoying each moment as it came..
Now we look around desperately for colors in vain…?
Alas!!!I love the unknown…
Where empty canvas looked beautiful…
Where tears where a part of our life…
When laughter was not a duty…
Where compassion, gratitude just came to us…
Where there were thorns…
Whilst we plucked the beautiful roses…
Where the garden was …times filled with mud…
Where rain stopped us from going out…
When life was full, no time to stand with idle thoughts!!!
Times…we need to live…not being conscious…
Only conscious that life is here and we live the best even while we see the worst!!!
Just like a blank canvas…!!!

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