A father told his son, "You must read well. You must not waste your time. Time is very precious. A second which is passed, is passed for ever. It will not come again. Always set your targets high. Then only you will be successful. You will achieve your goals only when your target is more than your goal. For example, one who just wants to get 40 per cent and pass the exam must work to get 60 per cent. Then only he will pass the exam. You must get a distinction. In maths you must get at least 90 per cent. For which you must aim at getting cent per cent. Ok? "
Few days later
"Dad! I want a car," the son asked his father.
"Car!" exclaimed the father. He continued, "Why do you need a car? Are you an officer? You are still a student. When I was your age, I had only a cycle. I have the car now after having seen so much of life. A motor bike is sufficient for you, at this age. We will buy a motorbike.All right?"
"Dad! This is exactly what I actually wanted," said the son with joy.
You will achieve your goals only when your target is more than your goal.
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