A simple touch…
Give a simple touch to anything you pass through
A touch of hope
A touch of smile
A touch of respect
A touch of kindness
Waving each gesture with a warm &steady heart!
A simple thought …
A simple thought to any moment we felt sad
A simple thought to any moment we were overwhelmed with joy
A simple thought to a moment you missed to get the glimpse of best around
Sit around rocking slowly to your simple thoughts, open your eyes, clear your closed visions
And further as we pass, your thoughts would meet the moments we cherish the most!
A simple feeling…
A simple feel of being cared, understood, loved,
A simple feel of warm smile, steady belief, gratitude and fun filled life!
Hold slowly, very fragile though our simple feelings always carrying deep down
a simple feeling of true love for the entire creatures living around!
A simple life…
Where happiness blossoms with a sweet fragrance in the air, of faith, trust and acceptance at every stage where we have a conflicting thoughts
A very simple nod, a very simple hug, a very simple kiss to a little child
who stand alone waiting for tomorrow unknown!
A simple path to be seen or shown to all our loved ones
who always stand so bold holding our hand in each and every fall….
A simple touch we can give to all our unpleasant feelings or mere fabrications…..
With a smile that understands your need in each and every step we fall
and wake up to reality of simple things make the world!
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