Monday, June 27, 2011

Right people - key to better results.

How would you proceed?

Often people refer to attracting the "right people" to their company as the key to better results. Let's assume there are no "right people" out there or if there are that they are not interested in joining your firm. Further, you must obtain DRAMATICALLY better results, in the next 12 months, with the people you already have in your organization.

Additional considerations giving up, firing yourself or closing the company are not options. Is it possible that there may be a vast, untapped potential within your current organization that needs to be addressed and developed?
My answer to this:
When ever there is a crisis we look for outside help.
We must know within the organization there is lot of potential, given the opportunity they do wonders.
We never invite a Workshop Manager to give lecture on organizational change.
We never ask a HRD Manager what skill development programmes he can undertake for the Machine shop in charge.
We assume so many things which create obstacles in our thinking process.
When ever there is a meeting we try to gather information to defend our point of view rather than going open to listen to others.

When we learn to listen - the reasons, solutions and results are within us not outside.

Every one is right who are in the organization otherwise they would have not got hired in the previous instance.    


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