We love you Motherland, for the kind of Values you stood for, for the Enlightened souls, Spiritual Giants you have produced from the time immemorial, for the path of Universal tolerance and Acceptance you have shown, for the highest Ideals of Peace, Non-Violence, Universal well-being, Motherhood, Unselfishness, Forgiveness, purity, Universal Brotherhood - - on which you are seated, for the highest goal of Self-liberation and God-Realisation you have given us - - -
People call you a poor country but it is very untrue; for you are sustaining more than 1 billion population, spreading over just 2.42% of land mass with rich cultural diversity, bio-diversity, Monsoons, abundant Natural resources - - vast portion of which are still unexplored, not utilized to optimum extent; for centuries together people from other lands raced one after the other to exploit your resources, wealth, riches - - . The west may be developed in science of External world, your children � our Forefathers - - Ancient Rishis, Sages, Yogis were researchers of Inner world, their goal was to go beyond the limitation of body, mind and senses, to conquer misery, to conquer the cycle of birth and death, to experience the inexhaustible bliss - - - by practicing rigorous austerities, renouncing all worldly pleasures with the only laboratory of body, only instrument � The mind, they experimented for years together. Finally, they could conquer the limitations imposed by Nature.
�Political greatness or military power is never the mission of our race; it never was, and, - - - it never will be. Although we acquired immense wealth, perhaps more than any other nation ever acquired, yet the nation did not stand for wealth. It was a powerful race for ages, yet we find that we never stood for power, never went out of the country to conquer. Quite content with their own boundaries, they never fought anybody. The Indian nation never stood for imperial glory. India is great because of her Spirituality. The national ideals of India are Renunciation and Service.� � Swami Vivekananda
It is the insatiable greed of few, because of their ignorance, for their selfish needs almost 27.5% of your children are still below the poverty line. Vote bank politics using parochialism, secessionism, communalism, Regionalism, - - - are posing a serious threat to Nationalism. Good and bad are like two sides of the same coin. There is no country in this world which is free from Evil(�Good and bad are there in every community. There is no community which can be regarded as absolutely Good or absolutely Bad community.� � Bhagawan Buddha)) - - Indeed some 5000 years ago - - Lord Krishna our first Acharya has proclaimed that this world is enveloped with Maya(Ignorance) binding Jiva with three gunas making it body conscious forcing to do evil. Some 2600 years Buddha stated that World is Full of Sorrow and enveloped with Ignorance. Forgive me Mother for many years out of Ignorance I have critisised you � went on finding faults. I have realised by the grace of god that it is the prism of my mind which was then faulty, my thinking which was defective. �We need to become the change we seek in this world.� � Mahatma Gandhi.
You are the one and only one, so unique in God�s Creation; Offering shelter to almost all the races, creeds, religions in the world; when their civilization and culture was completely destroyed. It is very true, may be because of too much of Material Growth � we have developed head but we have lost our heart. May our culture get eroded, may our traditions, ancient spiritual treasure vanish but I feel there is no need to despair, for who has created this world is taking care of you himself. The Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent being has been sending so many Enlightened souls, Reformers, Bhakthi Saints - -.There was never a time where India was lacking Spiritual Gurus. I bet, if there is any external power, it definitely has special liking for this land � The Punya Bhumi. As it is clear from the history that he has incarnated in other parts of the world as a Jesus, as a Mohammad, as a Zoroaster only but once, but this land has experienced the touch of his feet many times and has been deluged with Spirituality.
�Our life blood is Spirituality. If it flows clear; if it flows strong and pure and vigorous, everything is right; political, social, any other material defects, even the poverty of the land, will be cured if that blood is pure.�
- Swami Vivekananda
We genuflect to offer pranams with respect to all Great Souls you have produced who have sacrificed their lives, broken the shackles of foreign rule and made you free; and to thousands and thousands of Soldiers who are guarding you day and night in the most uninhabitable conditions � thousands who have laid down their lives to protect you.
Jai Hind
Great People about India

�India is the Cradle of the human race, the birth place of human speech, the mother of history and the grand-mother of legend. Our most valuable and instructive material in the history of man are treasured up in India only.�

�We are indebted to India for all Scientific Progress because it is they, who taught us how to calculate without which no progress could have been achieved.�

�In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogenal
Bhagawat Gita. In Comparison with it our modern world and its literature seem petty and trivial.�
Bhagawat Gita. In Comparison with it our modern world and its literature seem petty and trivial.�

�Western people can hardly imagine a personality like that of Sankaracharya. We
contemplate with wonder and delight the devotion of Francis of Assisi, the intellect of Abelaed, the virile force and freedom of Martin Luther and the political efficiency of Ignatius Layola. But who could imagine all these in one
contemplate with wonder and delight the devotion of Francis of Assisi, the intellect of Abelaed, the virile force and freedom of Martin Luther and the political efficiency of Ignatius Layola. But who could imagine all these in one

�Upanishads haunt me. I cannot put them away. In them I found eternal compensation, unfathomable power and unbroken peace.�

�In the whole world there is no study so beautiful and elevating as that of the Upanishads. They are the solace of my life. They will be the solace of my death.�

�To the other countries I may go as a tourist, but to India I come as a piligrim.�

�When you return, Get me three great souvenirs from Indus valley:
Bhagavad Gita, Flute and some sacred water from holy River Ganga.�
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